Posted: Jan 01, 2018 By: Dr Kathy Walsh Research area:  Housing For Older People, Design
Dublin Age Friendly Housing with Support Model

This report, jointly commissioned by Dublin City Council and the Housing Agency, contains the results of an evaluation of the first phase of the Inchicore Housing with Support Demonstration prototype. The overall aim of this housing project is to develop a new model of housing for older people where care, support and community dimensions are provided onsite, integrated into the community and designed with older people at the centre.  A toolkit was also developed to provide a guide for social housing providers interested in developing Housing with Support projects for older people.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2016 By: The Housing Agency Research area:  Design
Workshop of Design Standards for Apartments.  Feedback Report

This report provides feedback from a workshop convened by the Housing Agency  which examined the details of the implementation of recently published Design Standards for Apartments.The purpose of the workshop was to examine certain aspects of the standards contained within the guidelines with the objective of giving a feedback report to the DECLG, on evidence from, and assessment by, practitioners of the guidelines and how best they might be implemented.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2016 By: Áine O’Reilly , Emer Whelan and Isoilde Dillon Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability, Design
Design for Mental Health - Housing Design Guidelines

This report was jointly commissioned by the Housing Agency and the Health Services Executive. These housing design guidelines assist those living with persistent mental health conditions. This is the first time any such design guidelines targeting this cohort of the population have been produced anywhere in the world. The Housing Agency and the HSE have drawn together best practice in home design for people living with enduring and life altering mental health conditions into design guidelines to help facilitate independent living.

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