Remediation of Defects in Apartments and Duplexes

The Government has announced plans to draft legislation to support the remediation of apartments and duplexes with fire safety, structural safety and water ingress defects, constructed between 1991 and 2013. The legislation will provide for the establishment of a remediation scheme. The following Frequently Asked Questions are intended to provide an indication of what the remediation scheme might do and how it might operate. The scope, eligibility and conditions of the remediation scheme will ultimately depend on the legislation that is passed by the Houses of the Oireachtas and signed into law by the President.

For more information read the FAQs below

Given that the overall potential scale and estimated cost of fixing the problem is considerable, it is likely that it will take many years to remediate all affected buildings. Resources and works, therefore, will need to be prioritised.

In Housing for All, the Government’s housing plan, there is a commitment to examine the issue of defects in housing through the independent working group, to identify the nature and scale of the problem, having regard to the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing report, ‘Safe as Houses?’