Migrant Housing Needs

Researcher: Dr Valesca Lima

Title:  Access to adequate housing: understanding the housing needs of migrants


This research explores access to housing among the migrant community in Dublin. Drawing on the period March 2020 to July 2022, this research examines the critical juncture of the Covid-19 pandemic and recovery period and the influx of Ukrainian refugees.

56% of all migrants living in Ireland are accommodated in the Private Rented Sector, this overrepresentation means they are more at risk to evictions, rent rises and arrears. Migrants are also more vulnerable to overcrowding situations and homelessness than people born in Ireland. This research centrally asks what are the needs and barriers for migrants to access housing and how can the barriers be overcome?

Through data analysis and interview sampling, this research will provide a better understanding of housing disadvantages among migrants, their needs and barriers, and the challenges they face in accessing adequate housing in Ireland. It will also explore opportunities for overcoming the identified barriers in order to improve affordable housing options for migrants.

Status: To begin Q1 2023
