The Cost Rental Tenant In-Situ (CRTiS) Scheme is a new scheme that is available where a tenant household faces the termination of their tenancy due to the landlord’s intention to sell the property. The scheme is available if the tenant household:
- Is not seeking to purchase the property from the property owner/landlord.
- Does not own any other residential property.
- Is assessed by the Local Authority to be at risk of homelessness.
- Is not eligible to qualify for social housing support or is not in receipt of social housing support in their current tenancy (the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) or the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS).
- Has an annual net household income of no more than €66,000 per annum for applicants in Dublin and below €59,000 per annum for applicants elsewhere.
Local Authorities have responsibility for the assessment of applicant tenant households in receipt of a valid notice of termination due to the landlord’s intention to sell the property. Potential applicants should contact their local authority and make an appointment to see the Housing Officer. The Housing Officer will assess the applicant’s risk of homelessness and whether they may be eligible for social housing. When they get an appointment to meet the Housing Officer they will need to bring, (i) A valid Notice of Termination: (ii) Proof of their income, (iii) evidence that they have a long term right to reside in the country.
An applicant tenant household must have net annual income of below €66,000 per annum for Dublin and €59,000 for everywhere else in the country. Net income means that income tax, Universal Social Charge, PRSI and superannuation contributions are deducted from the relevant assessable gross income.
If the local authority is satisfied that the applicant tenant household is eligible for CRTiS they will pass the details of the tenant and the property to the Housing Agency for consideration for potential acquisition under the CRTiS Scheme. The Housing Agency will then engage with the tenant and the tenant’s landlord with a view to acquiring the property.
If a tenant has a query about Cost Rental Tenant In-Situ they can contact the Housing Agency via email at tenantinsitu@housingagency.ie
CLICK HERE - CRTiS - A Guide for Tenants and Property Owners